Event Etiquitte & Preparation


When anyone is in a professional setting, your first impression is very important. This means that it is always best to dress for the occasion. For our events, we recommend dressing in business casual. For men, this traditionally means a tucked-in dress shirt, a jacket/blazer (optional), nice slacks, a belt, and leather shoes. For women, this could be a nice blouse with slacks or a long skirt and heels or flats.


When meeting alumni, it is essential to have a good resume in case they are willing to offer you internships/jobs or pass your resume on to potential employers. We always recommend bringing an updated resume to our networking events. Pepperdine provides endless resources for resume help. Their primary resource is the career center and their career ambassadors, who are always available to assist you with your resume and even help prepare you for interviews. To learn more about the career center, follow the link below.

Questions for Alumni

Career Related

  1. How did you get to the position that you are in? 

  2. What was the first position that you were in that got you to the place you are in? 

  3. What was the most pivotal moment in your career to help you get to where you are? 

  4. If you could give your 22 year old self advice, what would it be? 

  5. Who played the biggest part in your career and why was that person the biggest part? 

    1. How did you meet that person? 

  6. How do you stay motivated in your day to day life - in the stage you are in your career? 

  7. What should be the first step one should be taking in the sports administration industry? 

    1. What should be my second step? 

  8. What is your working style? 

    1. Organized (color coding), sporadic, having multiple projects at once…? 

  9. What’s the best way to communicate with people you manage? 

  10. What was the hardest part in getting to your position? 

  11. How do you handle success? Celebrate or move on to the next? 

  12. How do you define success? 

  13. What is the first step to take after failing? 

  14. How do you make friends at work? 

  15. How do you create boundaries with your co-workers? 

  16. How do you collaborate with other people, and what steps did you take to develop that skill? 

  17. What steps did you take to develop ____ skill? 

Life Related

  1. What fuels your creativity? 

  2. How do you balance work and life? 

  3. How do you prioritize and what do you prioritize? Why?  

  4. What does a normal day look like for you? 

  5. What is the one habit that has helped you the most? 

  6. What do you do to recharge? 

  7. When do you when it’s time to take a break? 

  8. What helped you stay grounded? 

  9. How have you continued to learn and educate yourself? 

  10. In a world that will disappoint you, how do you handle the disappointment?

  11. How do you meet new people? 

  12. Has there ever been a moment in your life where you had to move on from a goal?

  13. How do you continue to consider other people’s opinions even though you might think you have a better solution or opinion? 

  14. When pursuing a new hobby or interest, how do you stay committed to it? 


  1. I’ve heard that successful people make their bed as soon as they wake up, is this something that you do? 

  2. Who is your favorite artist? 

  3. What is one book that you would read for the rest of your life? (can interchange with movie, show, or any sort of entertainment) 

  4. What do you do in your free time? 

  5. Do you have a collection? 

  6. What’s your craziest, weirdest, most special thing in your house right now? 

  7. If an apocalypse happened, where is one place that you would like to spend the rest of your life or time in? 

  8. Frozen yogurt or ice cream? 

  9. Cake versus cupcake? 

Examples for Men

Examples for Women